earth week 2021 - monday

What is sustainable living?

To live sustainability is to live a lifestyle that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

There are endless ways to live sustainably, including: reducing your use of resources, composting, relying on clean energy sources, reducing your consumption of single-use plastic, eating fewer animal products, shopping for clothing and other items sustainably, buying local, and more.

Getting started

Living sustainably is easier than you think. Making even one small change in your daily life can have a positive impact on the local and global environment.

In honor of Earth Day 2021, challenge yourself to take on at least one new simple, sustainable solution from our daily list of tips we're highlighting on the website and on social media April 19-24.

Keep doing the tips that work best for you and make them a part of your daily routine - for life.

Simple Sustainable Solutions for Earth Week

Tuesday, April 20

Wednesday, April 21

Thursday, April 22

Friday, April 23

Saturday, April 24

Sustainable Volunteering

understand your current impact

How big is your environmental footprint?

Use these calculators to help you understand your current environmental impact and use the results to help guide your decisions on which simple, sustainable solutions to try this week.

Water Footprint Calculator

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Ecological Footprint Calculator