Our next county-wide cleanup events will take place in September for Coastal Cleanup Day.
For updates on local community cleanups, contact your city coordinators or follow us on Instagram @CleanupSolano!
become a Site Captain
for Solano County Cleanups
for Solano County Cleanups
Is there an area in your Solano County community or favorite open space that you are passionate about making a cleaner and safer place for others to live, work, and play? Consider becoming a Cleanup Site Captain! A Site Captain's job is the heart of any cleanup effort: they help recruit volunteers, prepare cleanup supplies, oversee the cleanup event for their site the day it occurs, and make sure data and pictures are collected and reported.
Click the button below to fill out our interest form or contact the Solano County Cleanup Coordinator Stephanie Stock at stephanie.stock@solanorcd.org.
Solano Volunteers
Solano Volunteers is a volunteer matching portal that mobilizes people to take action on the causes they care about and helps organizations meet their missions through the power of volunteers.